BCP/DRP Consulting

We can now help you build a business-critical facility “100 meters from the seashore, above gas station and in the building one can see a Swedish atomic power plant from the window” :)

Our approach is based on International standards and best practices such as ISO 22301:2012.

By getting ISO 22301 certified, organisation shows resilience to withstand crisis situation and recover its business. It creates reliability in business activities for the stakeholders, interested parties, employees and customers.

Benefits of ISO 22301:

  • Keep critical functions up and running during times of crisis

  • Minimize downtime during incidents and improve recovery time

  • Demonstrate organisational internal capability to customers, suppliers and for tender requests

  • Reputation among the customers

For more information: https://www.infosec.ge/business-continuity-disaster-recovery-planning

Technology transformation, made simple!

Instead of security continuing to exist as a standalone, isolated entity, DevOps is integrating security into IT processes. We believe that security with DevOps approach can deliver more secure products and process. That was the reason behind our effort to enhance our skills, increase capacity and propose DevOps Consulting and Implementation as a service.

If you are interested in:

  • Continuous Integration & Deployment

  • Continuous Testing

  • Cloud

  • Infrastructure Automation

  • Continuous Monitoring

then it’s time to Email us for scheduling a call.

For more information: https://www.infosec.ge/devops-consulting-implementation/

Please go to 'Services' tab for a full list of the services that we provide!

Contact: info@infosec.ge

Announcement: New services added!

In addition to our existing services, we have added several more services to help secure your business, including: 

GDPR Compliance

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union (EU). When the law takes effect in May 2018, it will trigger significant changes to how global brands approach online marketing, data protection and privacy policies. Our experts can help identify the impact of the GDPR on your organisation and shape, mobilise and deliver transform to achieve compliance, embed privacy within your organisation and generate business benefits.

Swift CSP Compliance

In order to support its customers reinforce their security, SWIFT introduced the Customer Security Program (CSP) in May 2016, that sets guidelines and controls to improve information sharing throughout the community, enhances SWIFT-related tools for customers and provides control frameworks. Our 'SWIFT CSP' services deliver full SWIFT security compliance assessment of SWIFT and interfacing applications, underlying infrastructure and operational processes to meet current requirements. Infosec Georgia can also support the client in preparing the SWIFT CSP attestation.  

Please go to 'Services' tab for a full list of the services that we provide! 

Contact: info@infosec.ge 

(მედია) ინტერვიუ @ Marketer.ge

   ძვირფასო მომხმარებელო,

    ინფორმაციული უსაფრთხოების კუთხით ვითარებაზე საქართველოში და ასევე ჩვენს საქმიანობაზე Marketer.ge-ს ვესაუბრეთ. ინტერვიუ შეგიძლიათ იხილოთ შემდეგ ლინკზე გადასვლით: 


  მადლობა ყურადღებისა და დაინტერესებისთვის,

დაგვიკავშირდით: info@infosec.ge
Infosec Georgia. 

Cyber [Security] Monday!

Every Monday after Thanksgiving, the internet celebrates Cyber Monday, a holiday created solely for shopping online with promises of major discounts. The shopping day has become so popular that in in 2010, comScore reported consumers spent $1.028 Billion online, making it the biggest shopping day of the year. With this predictable increase in web traffic, Cyber Monday has become a target for hackers all over the world.

According to Demetrios Lazarikos, IT threat strategist from RSA, "This time of year is not just an opportunity for retail fraud, but an opportunity to launch attacks that take advantage of business logic vulnerabilities, DDoS [distributed denial-of-service] attacks, and more sophisticated attacks as well."

It’s no wonder, then, that according to a new study by the Ponemon Institute, 64 percent of organizations said they see significant increases in attack activity during the holidays. But, it is more surprising to learn that despite the fact that they are vulnerable, more than 70 percent of enterprises are not taking the necessary precautions in anticipation of increased attacks.

Here you can find some recommendations from TrendMicro and Veracode:



Happy Cyber Monday! :)



Hello Humans!

Clap. Clap. Clap.
Hello and welcome to the new Infosec Georgia's web site and blog!
Here you can find the latest news on everything about IT Security, also you can review our services, products we are offering. The webpage is running in a beta state, we appreciate your feedback and ideas about the company, services, blog, etc, so please don't hesitate, use Email, Facebook, Tweets to let us know your thoughts. 

Primary contact: info@infosec.ge
Infosec Georgia.